January 29 – February 2
Good morning, Dragons!
The past week was a wet one but boy did students have fun building in the snow. The school yard has a variety of snow sculptures, huge snowballs and trenches carefully designed to guide melted snow down the hills to less played in areas. Parents probably needed to dry out snowpants, gloves and boots each night but note that your child had a great time playing outside with his/her friends. It looks as though we have more of the same above freezing weather ahead this week so packing extra clothing each day is a good idea.
Although hard to believe, we are just about halfway through our 2023/2024 school year. With report cards coming home mid-February, it is a great time for a midyear check-in and an opportunity to get your child more engaged in their learning. Keeping in mind that children (and adults, too) feel successful when they accomplish goals, it may be a good time to work with your child to set some small and attainable goals for both home and school!
February is Black History Month
“Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.” – Maya Angelou
People in Canada are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy of Black Canadians and their communities. At St. Dominic Savio School, our students will continue to celebrate and learn more about the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate, and prosperous nation it is today. This is an opportunity to remember and learn from the contributions of Black people who have helped shape our past and future in Canada and around the world. The Canadian theme for Black History Month for 2024 is Black Excellence: A Heritage to Celebrate; a Future to Build.
The Holy Season of Lent, Shrove Tuesday, and Valentine’s Day
Ash Wednesday (February 14) – Ash Wednesday is a very special day on our liturgical calendar. It marks the start of Lent and is a chance for us to make good choices and sacrifices in order to be better citizens of our world and our Catholic Community. We will have an Ash Wednesday liturgy (including the distribution of Ashes) at 9:30 am in the school gym. Everyone is welcome!
Valentine’s Day Because Valentine’s Day falls on Ash Wednesday this year, we will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, February 13th. Valentine’s Cards and/or treats are welcome and will be distributed on the 13th, Not on the 14th. (No nut products please). Please remember that Valentine’s Day is a fun, loving day! We are happy to celebrate our friendships and have the children expressing their care for and friendship with each other on this day. We encourage the children to be inclusive if they are handing out valentine cards. We do not want to see any students feeling left out or excluded.
Parent Council is also organizing a Valentine’s Day Fundraiser Dance for February 13th. Details regarding this will be sent home shortly. There are lots of great prizes to win, like a Chromebook, Gift Cards and a pizza party for the top funds raised by a class.
Shrove Tuesday
On Tuesday, February 13th, we will celebrate Shrove Tuesday with a school-wide Pancake treat served before morning recess. In an effort to reduce waste and to be environmentally responsible, students are asked to bring a reusable plate and fork in a Ziplock bag. Parent council is looking to order 1 pancake for each student to enjoy!
Attention Kindergarten Parents
French Immersion Lottery Registration is NOW OPEN! All children born in 2018 are invited to apply for the French Immersion Lottery that is now open. This opportunity closes on February 4, 2024, at 9 pm. To apply for the lottery, look for the link on our website https://www.wcdsb.ca/programs-and-services/.
Parents and guardians who are interested in registering their child for Kindergarten in September 2024 at St. Dominic Savio are invited to review the following information: Kindergarten Registration
Want to know more about immunization vaccines?
The Region of Waterloo Public Health is resuming the annual enforcement of the Immunization of School Pupils Act (RSO 1990) and its associated activities for the 2023-2024 school year. Enforcement has not taken place for the past four years due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Please click HERE to learn more about immunization vaccinations for your child(ren).
School Climate Survey at WCDSB:
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) is committed to providing safe, caring and inclusive places for everyone in our schools. One way to find out how we are doing is to ask students about their health and well-being. To collect this information, we will administer the Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) sometime between February 15th and March 8th. This is an opportunity for us to learn more about the students we support and help us identify our school communities’ needs. All students at St. Dominic Savio between grade 4 and grade 8 will be invited to participate. Any student may choose not to participate, to stop participating, or to skip a question at any time. Parents/guardians can also ask that their child be exempt from participating in the MDI survey.
You can more here: https://www.wcdsb.ca/school-climate-survey/
Winter Walk and Roll Day
The first Wednesday of February every year, is Winter Walk and Roll Day and it celebrates those students who walk during the winter months as Canadian weather is strong! Students are encouraged to dress for the weather, understand special winter walking tips, and join their peers in the walk to and from school. #WinterWalkDay is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7th!: WWD-Poster-2024. Learn about the benefits of outdoor movement here: Home – Ontario Active School Travel
Term 1 Report Cards and Kindergarten Communication of Learning
Term 1 Report Cards and Kindergarten Communication of Learning will be sent home electronically to families on Thursday, February 15th, 2024.
Report Cards and Kindergarten Communication of Learning support student learning by providing opportunities to:- establish a positive relationship between teachers, parents/guardians, and students;
- involve parents and guardians as partners in a conversation about learning and assessment, and what each can do to support a child’s learning;
- identify concerns about student progress and develop strategies to improve student learning.
This reporting system provides descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support improved learning and achievement. Communication between home and school about student achievement should be continuous outside of the formal reporting periods and throughout the year. We value the partnership between home and school and encourage all parents/guardians to contact your child’s teacher(s) should you have any questions about their academic, social, emotional, or spiritual development at school.
A Note About March Break
Looking a little further down the road, it is important to note that Friday, March 8 is a board holiday, meaning that all schools will be closed.
Our Extended Day program will still be open on March 8, and it will be open throughout the March Break for families who are currently registered in the program. Families who are currently in the program still need to register for March Break. Click here for information about the March Break Extended Day program, and click here for specific information about how to register. The registration deadline is February 2nd.
Wishing you a terrific week Dragons!