Welcome New Families and Welcome Back to our St. Dominic Dragon Families!

Welcome Back to School - Bayridge Public School

Hello St. Dominic Dragons and happy Friday!  We hope you had a fantastic Summer and are looking forward to a new, exciting year of learning.

Our school has been under some renovations over the summer and still has some finishing touches going on. The construction has added a lot more work to Ms. Trowhill’s job and we want to say a BIG THANK YOU to her for all the extra cleaning she has had to do to keep our school clean for us to return to.  When you see her in the halls during the first week of school, please be sure to say thanks to her.

Another big thanks needs to be said to the teachers of St. Dominic who will be putting in a lot of work in a short time. Teachers had to pack and unpack their classroom items and deal with a lot of little extra organization to get classrooms ready.  We appreciate all the extra work they put in.

And finally, we would like to thank Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Luszczki for all the behind-the-scenes paperwork and computer work they have to do to make sure our school year starts up smoothly.  It takes a great team to make a great school!

Class lists: 

To support our transition back to school, families will be receiving classroom teacher information on Friday, September 1st through SchoolCash online. Please know that class lists continue to be tentative due to ongoing registrations which impact enrollment and staffing. Staffing and classroom changes will be directed by the Board Office and may occur during the first two weeks of school. Our staff takes great care in considering students’ needs when creating class placements. Every effort is made to see the classes are balanced and to take into consideration the students social, emotional and academic wellbeing. Together as partners in education, we can ensure a positive start-up for our Dragon students.

Office Open

The school office officially opens Tuesday, August 29th, for telephone communication only. If you are in the registration process, please make sure that all forms are completed online, and all necessary documents are uploaded.  If you are uncertain of the status of your child’s registration, please do not hesitate to contact the main office 519-757-6153. We will provide you with as much information as possible.

First Day of School for students in grades 1-8

The first day of school falls on Tuesday, September 5th, 2023.  On the morning of September 5th, all Grade 1 to 8 teachers will meet outside on the back playground and will be carrying a sign with their name. The students are to find their teacher and line up in that area. On this first day of school your child will bring home the student verification document that needs to be completed in hard copy. Please return this ASAP. Also, please check cash online to complete all mandatory forms.

School Hours:

For our 2023-2024 school year, all classes will follow the same schedule. Everyone will have the same lunch and recess times.

  • 9:15 am – Classes begin
  • 10:25 am – 10:40 am – Morning recess
  • 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Lunch Break
  • 2:20 pm – 2:35 pm – Afternoon recess
  • 3:45 pm – Dismissal

Important Back to School Dates:

  • Thursday, August 31st: PD Day for staff
  • Monday, September 4th: Labour Day
  • Tuesday, September 5th: FIRST Day of School 2023/2024 (Grades 1-8 only)
  • Wednesday, September 6th: Year 2 (SK) Kindergarten students first day of school

School Supplies

On the first day, your child(ren) will need indoor and outdoor running shoes, a reusable water bottle, a backpack to carry books/notes and their lunch.  Pencils and notebooks and other essential items will be provided by the school.  Individual Teachers will send home a note with your child if there are any other material suggestions which would benefit your child to have at school.


A reminder that our school is a NUT FREE building so absolutely no nut products or look alike nut products are allowed. St. Dominic School will have hot lunches available to order through School Cash Online using a company called Lunchbox. Pizza days will be held every Tuesday and Harvey’s and Quesada Hot lunches will rotate as an option on Thursdays. Hot lunch days are OPTIONAL so please don’t feel like you must order.  Your child(ren) can bring their own lunch from home and are welcome to order a hot lunch every once and a while or not at all if you choose.  Orders do have to be placed well in advanced and once the deadline for orders has closed (which is usually Sundays at midnight) then no more orders can be processed. Please ensure your School Cash Online account is working so you don’t miss out.

Bussing Information:

  • For students who ride the bus, Information from the bus transportation company about the route will be made available to students/parents starting Monday, August 21st on the student transportation website at www.stswr.ca by using your student login portal.
  • Students require an OEN to log in/create an account.
  • For students without an OEN, student transportation will be mailing out letters to families with their busing information.
  • Please note it takes time to add/change students to routes, so please check as soon as possible.
  • Please remember that all Kindergarten students must be met by a parent/guardian when transitioning from the bus.

Thank You Parents

Thank you, parents, for sending and entrusting your children to St. Dominic Savio School for the 2023-24 school year.  We look forward to a wonderful school year with your child(ren).

Angela Carroll



Tina McCallum

Vice Principal