Monthly Archives: October 2022

Halloween is Monday, Dragons!

Good morning Dragons!

Some Halloween Information coming your way:

Monday, October 31st, students are invited to wear a costume, or wear black and orange! 

If you are wearing a costume, please know that it needs to be sensible – learning will still happen throughout the day and you need to be able to sit at a desk.  It is likely wise to bring a change of clothing in case you get tired of the costume at some point in the day.

If you are wearing a costume, please know that you cannot wear the mask portion of it to school.  It presents many safety hazards especially since we all work in a 2-level school.

If you are wearing a costume, please know that you cannot bring props.  Baseball players cannot bring a bat, wizards cannot bring a wand, and superheroes cannot bring a shield.

Please make sure that the costumes that you wear to school are not violent in nature.  We have several small children in the school, and we do not want to send the wrong message to anyone.

Also, please do not bring any treats to share with friends or classmates and many students have allergies and sensitivities and we want to keep everyone safe.  Save your treats for handing out on Halloween evening.

Although there are rules attached to this day, we do want it to be a fun day and we do want it to be filled with smiles and laughing and pictures!  We really look forward to seeing your creative costumes and seeing you on Halloween at school!

Have a great day today and a wonderful rest of the week!

halloween cover

We are looking forward to Halloween on Monday, but we want to remind students that all costumes must be appropriate for school and that costumes still allow them to get around safely. Students may not bring weapons (knifes, guns, axes, etc…), masks (as we need to know who is in the school), and treats to distribute. Please save the treats for evening trick or treating as many of our students have allergies and sensitives. Thank you for keeping the school safe and happy trick or treating!

Thank you Mrs. Kenning, Mrs. MurciaHerrera, Mrs. O’Leary, Mrs. Rodriguez, and Mrs. Rowe

The Administrators of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our Early Childhood Educators today on “National Early Childhood Educators Day”.  It is often said that “It takes a big heart to work with a small child.”  We are so thankful for your efforts with our youngest learners.  Our students in Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten learn and grow so much, thanks to your efforts with them, day-in and day-out.  Your endless patience, kindness and enthusiasm with our youngest learners helps to create an environment that they want to be in, that their parents trust, and that builds the foundation for a wonderful educational experience for years to come.  Today, the administrators from the Waterloo Catholic District School Board would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you!

Mass at St. Mark’s Parish


Tomorrow, October 7th, grades 3 to 8 will be walking from St. Dominic’s to St. Mark’s parish for a Thanksgiving mass at 10:45 am. It looks like it will be a cool walk but a dry one. Please check the weather forecast in the morning to ensure your child is dressed appropriately for our journey. We are looking forward to gathering and worshiping as a community tomorrow.

World Teacher Day! Thank you St Dominic educators!

The Administrators of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the teachers today on “World Teacher Day”.  Without you, there would be no doctors, lawyers, CEO’s, engineers, authors … and the list goes on.  Who would teach our students the difference between right and wrong?  Who would problem solve with our students and who would teach them that above all, being a good positive member of God’s world is truly what matters?  Behind every successful person – however you measure success – is a good teacher.  Today, we want to let you know that we recognize the sacrifices that you make in your personal time and your family time for our students.  We recognize the dedication that you demonstrate to your craft, inspiring students to understand an ever-changing curriculum and pushing them to learn more.  We recognize your genuine love you demonstrate for our students, as you take care of all their needs – spiritual, emotional, and social.

Today we recognize YOU and the impact that you have on our world.  On behalf of the administrators of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board, THANK YOU to all our teachers.  Keep changing the world!

Knights Preparatory School - Happy World Teacher's Day to an amazing team  of teachers at Knights Preparatory! Thank you for all that you do for our  precious #youngknights. We have the BEST

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